3D Printers

Advanced 3D Printers for Industrial Production

With innovative features, such as automatic separation modules, force feedback and auto-refill, our Rapid Shape DLP 3D printers I30+, I50+ and I100+ set new standards.

Rapid Shape 3D Printers

Rapid Shape 3D Printers

Shaping The Future

With our Rapid Shape 3D printers, you can manufacture complex 3D parts with high precision and speed. As a result, you will have significant production cost savings and reduced development times. How?

This patented technology continuously measures the forces acting on the printed part and sends the information to the control system. The result: The 3D printer can operate at maximum speed while achieving optimal print quality.

The automatic refill unit continuously monitors the filling level of the tank at second intervals and automatically refills it with the connected material bottle.

The automatic separation unit enables uninterrupted production. Print jobs are processed continuously in a self-defined sequence – no human intervention required.

Would you like to have more information? Click on the following links to access the information sheets for the respective printers: I30+, I50+, I100+ and RS Inline.

Use Cases for our 3D Printers

Mechanical Engineering

Design Freedom and Serial Production

  • Prototyping
  • Functional machinery parts
  • Tool-free manufacturing of critical spare parts
  • Cost-effective small to medium batch production
3D Druck für den Maschinenbau
3D Druck im EMS Elektronikfertigung


Save Time and Reduce Costs

  • Enclosures for complex components
  • Sample production and rapid prototyping
  • Small batch production


Rapid Toolmaking

  • ESD-safe tools and enclosures
  • Adapters for printed circuit boards
  • Mounts
  • Stencil printing
3D Druck in der Elektronikfertigung und Leiterplattenproduktion
3D Druck in der Pharmazie und Medizintechnik

Pharmaceutical Industry

Disposable Products and Components

  • Sample holders
  • Custom connectors
  • Tools
  • Cartridges

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In order to maintain our product quality and reliability in logistics consistently at the highest level, we carefully select our partners as well as suppliers and nurture our relationships on a long-term basis.

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